The Chicago Manual of Style Online: Hyphenation Table (2024)

Compounds and Hyphenation 7.85

according to parts of speech. The third section lists examples for words commonly used as elements in compounds. The fourth section lists com- mon prefi xes, most of which join to another word to form one unhyphen- ated word; note especially the hyphenated exceptions, not all of which agree with Webster’s . (Compounds formed with suffi xes—e.g., nation- hood , penniless —are almost always closed.)

Category/specifi c term Examples Summary of rule 1. compounds according to category age terms a three- year- old Hyphenated in both noun and a fi ve- year- old child adjective forms (except as in a fi fty-fi ve- year- old woman the last two examples); note the a group of eight- to ten- year- olds space after the fi rst hyphen in but the fourth example (see 7.84 ). seven years old The examples apply equally to eighteen years of age ages expressed as numerals. chemical terms sodium chloride Open in both noun and adjective sodium chloride solution forms. colors emerald- green tie Hyphenated before but not after reddish- brown fl agstone a noun. This departure from blue- green algae Chicago’s former usage serves snow-white dress both simplicity and logic. black- and- white print but his tie is emerald green the stone is reddish brown the water is blue green the clouds are snow white the truth isn’t black and white compass points and northeast Closed in noun, adjective, and directions southwest adverb forms unless three direc- east- northeast tions are combined, in which a north–south street case a hyphen is used after the street runs north–south the fi rst. When from . . . to is implied, an en dash is used (see 6.78 ). ethnic terms. See proper nouns and adjectives relating to geography or nation- ality in section 2. foreign phrases an a priori argument Open unless hyphens appear in a Sturm und Drang drama the original language. in vitro fertilization a tête- à- tête approach

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Category/specifi c term Examples Summary of rule 1. compounds according to category (continued) fractions, compounds a half hour Noun form open; adjective form formed with a half- hour session hyphenated. See also numbers a quarter mile in this section and half in sec- a quarter-mile run tion 3. an eighth note fractions, simple one- half Hyphenated in noun, adjec- two- thirds tive, and adverb forms, except three- quarters when second element is already one twenty-fi fth hyphenated. See also number + one and three-quarters noun and 9.14 . a two- thirds majority three- quarters done a one twenty-fi fth share number + the 33 m distance Always open. See also number abbreviation a 2 kg weight + noun. a 3 ft. high wall number + noun a hundred-meter race Hyphenated before a noun, a 250- page book otherwise open. Note the space a fi fty-year project after the fi rst number in the last a three- inch- high statuette example. See also number + it’s three inches high abbreviation. See also 9.13 . a one- and- a- half- inch hem one and a half inches a fi ve- foot- ten quarterback fi ve feet ten [inches tall] fi ve- to ten- minute intervals number + percentage 50 percent Both noun and adjective forms a 10 percent raise always open. number, ordinal, + on the third fl oor Adjective form hyphenated be- noun third- fl oor apartment fore a noun, otherwise open. See 103rd- fl oor view also century in section 3. fi fth-place contestant twenty-fi rst-row seats number, ordinal, + a second- best decision Hyphenated before a noun, super lative third-largest town otherwise open. fourth- to- last contestant he arrived fourth to last numbers, spelled out twenty-eight Twenty- one through ninety- nine three hundred hyphenated; others open. See nineteen forty- fi ve also fractions, simple. fi ve hundred fi fty relationships. See foster, grand, in- law, and step in section 3.

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Category/specifi c term Examples Summary of rule 1. compounds according to category (continued) time at three thirty Usually open; forms such as the three- thirty train “three thirty,” “four twenty,” a four o’clock train etc., are hyphenated before the the 5:00 p.m. news noun. 2. compounds according to parts of speech adjective + noun small-s tate senators Hyphenated before but not after a high- quality alkylate a noun. a middle- class neighborhood the neighborhood is middle class adjective + participle tight- lipped person Hyphenated before but not after high- jumping grasshoppers a noun. open- ended question the question was open ended adverb ending in ly + a highly paid ragpicker Open whether before or after a participle or adjective a fully open society noun. he was mildly amusing adverb not ending a much-needed addition Hyphenated before but not after in ly + participle or it was much needed a noun; compounds with more, adjective a very well- read child most, less, least, and very usually little- understood rules open unless ambiguity threat- a too- easy answer ens. When the adverb rather the best-known author than the compound as a whole is the highest- ranking offi cer modifi ed by another adverb, the the worst- paid job entire expression is open. a lesser- paid colleague the most effi cient method a less prolifi c artist a more thorough exam the most skilled workers (most in number) but the most- skilled workers (most in skill) a very much needed addition combining forms electrocardiogram Usually closed if permanent, socioeconomic hyphenated if temporary. See politico- scientifi c studies 7.78 . the practico- inert gerund + noun running shoes Noun form open; adjective form cooking class hyphenated. See also noun + running- shoe store gerund. noun + adjective computer-literate accountants Hyphenated before a noun; usu- HIV- positive men ally open after a noun. the stadium is fan friendly she is HIV positive

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Category/specifi c term Examples Summary of rule 2. compounds according to parts of speech (continued) noun + gerund decision making Noun form usually open; adjec- a decision- making body tive form hyphenated before a mountain climbing noun. Some permanent com- time- clock- punching employees pounds closed (see 7.78 ). a Nobel Prize–winning chemist (see 6.80 ) bookkeeping caregiving copyediting noun + noun, single student nurse Noun form open; adjective form function (fi rst noun restaurant owner hyphenated before a noun. Some modifi es second directory path permanent compounds closed noun) tenure track (see 7.78 ). tenure-track position home- rule governance shipbuilder gunrunner copyeditor noun + noun, two nurse- practitioner Both noun and adjective forms functions (both nouns philosopher- king always hyphenated. equal) city-state city-state governance noun + numeral or type A Both noun and adjective forms enumerator a type A executive always open. type 2 diabetes size 12 slacks a page 1 headline noun + participle a Wagner- burdened repertoire Hyphenated before a noun, fl ower-fi lled garden otherwise open. a clothes- buying grandmother a day of clothes buying participle + noun chopped- liver pâté Adjective form hyphenated cutting-edge methods before but not after a noun. their approach was cutting edge participle + up, out, dressed- up children Adjective form hyphenated and similar adverbs burned- out buildings before but not after a noun. Verb ironed- on decal form always open. we were dressed up that decal is ironed on phrases, adjectival an over-the- counter drug Hyphenated before a noun; usu- a matter- of- fact reply ally open after a noun. an up-to- date solution sold over the counter her tone was matter of fact his equipment was up to date

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Category/specifi c term Examples Summary of rule 2. compounds according to parts of speech (continued) phrases, noun stick- in- the- mud Hyphenated or open as listed in jack- of- all-trades Webster’s. If not in the diction- a fl ash in the pan ary, open. proper nouns and African Americans Open in both noun and adjective adjectives relating to African American president forms, unless the fi rst term is geography or nation- a Chinese American a prefi x or unless between is ality French Canadians implied. See also 8.38 . South Asian Americans the Scotch Irish the North Central region Middle Eastern countries but Sino- Tibetan languages the Franco- Prussian War the US- Canada border Anglo-American cooperation Anglo-Americans 3. compounds formed with specific terms ache toothache Always closed. stomachache all all out Adverbial phrases open; adjecti- all along val phrases usually hyphenated all over both before and after a noun. an all- out eff ort an all- American player the book is all- encompassing but we were all in [tired] book reference book Closed or open as listed in coupon book Webster’s. If not in the diction- checkbook ary, open. cookbook borne waterborne Closed if listed as such in food- borne Webster’s. If not in Webster’s, e- mail- borne hyphenated; compounds retain mosquito- borne the hyphen both before and after a noun. century the twenty-fi rst century Noun forms always open; ad- fourteenth-century monastery jectival compounds hyphenated twenty-fi rst-century history before but not after a noun. See a mid-eighteenth- century poet also old (below), mid (in section late nineteenth-century politicians 4), and 7.83 . her style was nineteenth century

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Category/specifi c term Examples Summary of rule 3. compounds formed with specific terms (continued) cross a cross section Many compounds formed with a cross- reference cross are in Webster’s (as those cross- referenced listed here). If not in Webster’s, cross- grained noun, adjective, adverb, and cross- country verb forms should be open. crossbow crossover e e- mail Hyphenated except with proper e- book nouns. See also 8.163 . eBay elect president-elect Hyphenated unless the name vice president elect of the offi ce consists of an open mayor- elect compound. county assessor elect ever ever- ready help Usually hyphenated before but ever- recurring problem not after a noun; some perma- everlasting nent compounds closed. he was ever eager ex ex- partner Hyphenated, but use en dash if ex- marine ex- precedes an open compound. ex–corporate executive foster foster mother Noun forms open; adjective foster parents forms hyphenated. a foster- family background free toll- free number Compounds formed with free as accident-free driver second element are hyphenated the number is toll- free both before and after a noun. the driver is accident-free full full- length mirror Hyphenated before a noun, the mirror is full length otherwise open. Use ful only in three bags full such permanent compounds as a suitcase full cupful, handful. general attorney general Always open; in plural forms, postmaster general general remains singular. lieutenants general grand, great- grand grandfather Grand compounds closed; great granddaughter compounds hyphenated. great- grandmother great- great- grandson

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Category/specifi c term Examples Summary of rule 3. compounds formed with specific terms (continued) half half- asleep Adjective forms hyphenated half- fi nished before and after the noun; noun a half sister forms open. Some permanent a half hour compounds closed, whether a half- hour session nouns, adjectives, or adverbs. halfway Check Webster’s. See also frac- halfh earted tions in section 1. house schoolhouse Closed or open as listed in courthouse Webster’s. If not in the diction- safe house ary, open. rest house in- law sister- in- law All compounds hyphenated; parents- in- law only the fi rst element takes a plural form. like catlike Closed if listed as such in childlike Webster’s. If not in Webster’s, Christlike hyphenated; compounds retain bell-like the hyphen both before and after a penitentiary-like institution a noun. mid. See section 4. near in the near term Noun forms open; adjective a near accident forms hyphenated. a near- term proposal a near- dead language odd a hundred-odd manuscripts Always hyphenated. 350- odd books old a three- year-old Noun forms hyphenated. Adjec- a 105- year- old woman tive forms hyphenated before a a decade- old union noun, open after. See also age a centuries- old debate terms in section 1. a child who is three years old the debate is centuries old on online Sometimes closed, sometimes onstage hyphenated. Check Webster’s and ongoing hyphenate if term is not listed. on- screen See also 7.79 . on- site percent 5 percent Both noun and adjective forms a 10 percent increase always open.

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Category/specifi c term Examples Summary of rule 3. compounds formed with specific terms (continued) pseudo. See section 4. quasi a quasi corporation Noun form usually open; adjec- a quasi- public corporation tive form usually hyphenated. A quasi- judicial handful of permanent com- quasiperiodic pounds are listed in Webster’s. quasicrystal self self-restraint Both noun and adjective forms self-realization hyphenated, except where self is self- sustaining followed by a suffi x or preceded self- conscious by un. Note that unselfconscious, the behavior is self- destructive Chicago’s preference, is contrary selfl ess to Webster’s. unselfconscious step stepbrother Always closed except with grand stepparent and great. step-granddaughter step-great- granddaughter style dined family- style Adjective and adverb forms 1920s- style dancing hyphenated; noun form usually danced 1920s- style open. Chicago- style hyphenation according to Chicago style headline- style capitalization use headline style vice vice- consul Sometimes hyphenated, some- vice- chancellor times open, occasionally closed. vice president Check Webster’s and hyphenate if vice presidential duties term is not listed. vice admiral viceroy web a website Noun form open or closed, as a web page shown; if term is not in any dic- web-related matters tionary, opt for open. Adjective form hyphenated. See also 7.76 . wide worldwide Closed if listed as such in citywide Webster’s. If not in Webster’s, Chicago- wide hyphenated; compounds retain the canvass was university- wide the hyphen both before and after a noun.

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4. words formed with prefixes Compounds formed with prefi xes are normally closed, whether they are nouns, verbs, adjec- tives, or adverbs. A hyphen should appear, however, (1) before a capitalized word or a nu- meral, such a sub- Saharan, pre- 1950; (2) before a compound term, such as non- self- sustaining, pre–Vietnam War (before an open compound, an en dash is used; see 6.80 ); (3) to separate two i’s, two a’s, and other combinations of letters or syllables that might cause misreading, such as anti-intellectual , extra- alkaline, pro- life; (4) to separate the repeated terms in a double prefi x, such as sub-subentry ; (5) when a prefi x or combining form stands alone, such asover- and underused, macro- and microeconomics. The spellings shown below conform largely to Merriam- Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. Compounds formed with combining forms not listed here, such as auto, tri, and para, follow the same pattern. ante antebellum, antenatal, antediluvian anti antihypertensive, antihero, but anti- infl ammatory, anti- Hitlerian bi binomial, bivalent, bisexual bio bioecology, biophysical, biosociology co coequal, coauthor, coeditor, coordinate, cooperation, coworker, but co- op, co- opt counter counterclockwise, counterrevolution cyber cyberspace, cyberstore extra extramural, extrafi ne, but extra- administrative fold fourfold, hundredfold, but twenty- fi ve- fold, 150- fold hyper hypertension, hyperactive, hypertext infra infrasonic, infrastructure inter interorganizational, interfaith intra intrazonal, intramural, but intra- arterial macro macroeconomics, macromolecular mega megavitamin, megamall, but mega- annoyance meta metalanguage, metaethical, but meta- analysis (not the same as metanalysis) micro microeconomics, micromethodical mid midthirties, a midcareer event, midcentury, but mid- July, the mid- 1990s, the mid- twentieth century, mid-twentieth- century history mini minivan, minimarket multi multiauthor, multiconductor, but multi- institutional neo neonate, neoorthodox, Neoplatonism, neo-Nazi (neo lowercase or capital and hyphenated as in dictionary; lowercase and hyphenate if not in dictionary) non nonviolent, nonevent, nonnegotiable, but non- beer- drinking over overmagnifi ed, overshoes, overconscientious post postdoctoral, postmodernism, posttraumatic, but post- Vietnam, post–World War II (see 6.80 ) pre premodern, preregistration, prewar, preempt, but pre- Columbian, Pre- Raphaelite (pre lowercase or capital as in dictionary; lowercase if term is not in dictionary) pro proindustrial, promarket, but pro- life, pro- Canadian

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4. words formed with prefixes (continued) proto protolanguage, protogalaxy, protomartyr pseudo pseudotechnocrat, pseudomodern, but pseudo- Tudor re reedit, reunify, reproposition, but re- cover, re- creation (as distinct from recover, recreation) semi semiopaque, semiconductor, but semi- invalid sub subbasem*nt, subzero, subcutaneous super superannuated, supervirtuoso, superpowerful supra supranational, suprarenal, supraorbital, but supra- American trans transsocietal, transmembrane, transcontinental, transatlantic, but trans- American ultra ultrasophisticated, ultraorganized, ultraevangelical un unfunded, unneutered, but un- English, un- unionized under underemployed, underrate, undercount

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The Chicago Manual of Style Online: Hyphenation Table (2024)


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Name: Twana Towne Ret

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