Metabolic Renewal - Frequently Asked Questions (2024)

Order FAQs

Metabolic Renewal - Frequently Asked Questions (1) How do I know if my order has been processed and what products I have ordered?

You will receive an email in your inbox from “Natural Health Sherpa” with your order details. If you do not receive this email, please check your junk mail folder and make sure to whitelist our email address Also, if you ordered by credit card, you will see the charge listed under the merchant name “”.

Metabolic Renewal - Frequently Asked Questions (2) When will my products arrive?

For products that will be shipped to you, you can expect them to arrive within 3-11 days depending on your location. If you live outside the US, it may take as long as 30 days for you to receive your package depending on where you are located.

You will receive an email from “Natural Health Sherpa” with your tracking number once your products have shipped. Remember, check your junk mail if you don’t receive the email and make sure you white list our email address

Metabolic Renewal - Frequently Asked Questions (3) How do I access the products I just purchased online?

You will receive instant access details in your email. Please check for an email from “Natural Health Sherpa” with “purchase details” in the subject line. You will receive a separate email for each product you ordered with detailed instructions on how to access them.

In your “purchase details” email, you will be given a link, username, and password that will lead you to the library of all your products. Once inside the library look for the “your products” tab on the upper right-hand side of the page. Click that, and you’ll have instant access.

Metabolic Renewal - Frequently Asked Questions (4) What if I don’t see order detail/access emails in my inbox?

The emails from us might be stuck in your spam folder. Please follow the whitelist instructions in the following link to whitelist so you do not miss any more emails about your products! Whitelist instructions: Click for Whitelist instructions

Product FAQs

Metabolic Renewal - Frequently Asked Questions (5) Who is Dr Jade Teta and why should I listen to him?

Dr. Jade Teta is an integrative doctor and personal trainer with over 25 years of experience. The majority of his clients are women, so as a result, he’s become an expert in the unique attributes of the female metabolism and its hormonal strengths and challenges.

To date, he’s worked in-person with over 10,000 people, helping them achieve their weight loss and health goals. And he’s helped hundreds of thousands more with the at-home programs he’s created.

Dr. Teta has a Bachelor’s degree in biochemistry and a Doctorate in naturopathic medicine, a distinct specialty of medicine focusing on lifestyle approaches to health, fitness and weight loss. He carries his license to practice naturopathic medicine in Washington State and California where he is a registered primary care provider.

Metabolic Renewal - Frequently Asked Questions (6) What is Metabolic Renewal and how do I know it will work for me?

Metabolic Renewal is the first hormone-focused body change program ever developed specifically for women. It is also architected to be the last diet and exercise program you will ever need. That’s because it gives you the tools and knowledge needed to personalize the program so you can adapt how you eat, exercise and live in response to how your body’s natural cycles, rhythms and hormones change as you age.

This program is like no other on the market. It is the culmination of Dr. Jade’s 25 plus years of working in the trenches with women of all ages as a personal trainer, across the desk as a doctor and as a life coach and counselor for women in all stages of life.

It will work for you, because it was designed specifically for you. As you will learn on the research page, most of the fitness and nutrition research out there is done on young, college-aged men. This program changes all that by providing women a system that is based on their unique female metabolism.

Metabolic Renewal - Frequently Asked Questions (7) How fast will I see results once I start Metabolic Renewal?

You can expect to feel the results within 48 hours. The first thing you may notice is a better mood and enhanced energy, followed by better sleep. Then your appetite and cravings may start to normalize and other symptoms you’ve struggled with may start to improve.

That will continue all the way through the first phase, where you may start to notice your body changing significantly for the better. It’s important to not obsess about the number on your scale as that can hide significant improvements happening with your body.

It’s almost a cliché, but remember that muscle weighs more than fat. And HGH, one of the female metabolic advantages that we’re harnessing with Metabolic Renewal, goes to work quickly burning fat and building lean, toned muscle.

The weight loss will naturally come, but you want it come gradually, as your body allows it. If you force it too hard, the same thing will happen that may have happened to you before: your metabolism gets stressed out, your appetite and cravings increase, and the weight comes piling back on.

Metabolic Renewal - Frequently Asked Questions (8) Is Metabolic Renewal safe?

Absolutely. It’s designed to be the exact opposite of the risky one-size-fits-all traditional exercise routines and crash diets that most women do. Its flexible framework allows you to customize it to work with your own natural hormone rhythms and cycle to get the best results in the least time.

Metabolic Renewal is designed for the beginner or advanced athlete… and anyone in between. With three variations of intensity (bodyweight, bands or dumbbells) you can select the most appropriate challenge level to start, and then progress to the next level when you’re ready.

The program is easy to do, even for those who have injuries or other physical limitations. We’ve included special modifications for each move to account for the most common issues people may face, allowing anyone with previous injuries or limitations to maximize their results.

The workouts inside Metabolic Renewal are designed for “YOU.” That means you push at your intensity level, not someone else’s. When you “Push Until You Can’t, Rest Until You Can,” you will stimulate the right combination of hormones that amplify your maximum fat-burning potential.

Metabolic Renewal - Frequently Asked Questions (9) Is 15 minutes, 3 times a week really enough?

Yes, and it’s based on the latest exercise science. Metabolic Renewal’s exercise program is designed around the concept of efficiency – getting the best results in the least time.

The 15-minute workouts contain a specific sequence of 45-second, hyper-efficient “intelligent” 3-in-1 exercises that combine cardio, resistance and fitness training. Instead of going to the gym separately for each of these different training types, these intelligent workouts combine them all into a single 15-minute workout that can be done at home, at the gym or even in a hotel room when travelling.

This empowers your metabolism to deliver you the most results in the least time, particularly if you’re short on time and have struggled to get results in the past.

Metabolic Renewal - Frequently Asked Questions (10) I hate going to the gym. Can I still do this?

Yes, you can follow the Metabolic Renewal workouts from the comfort of your own home. All the exercises have three options: body weight, bands, and dumbbells. No equipment is required, but you can use bands or the dumbbells if you want more of a challenge.

Metabolic Renewal - Frequently Asked Questions (11) Do I have to eat gross or boring foods?

Absolutely not! You can’t expect to change your eating habits if what you’re changing to isn’t appealing. That’s why the 12 weeks of recipes and meal plans have been put together by a gourmet-trained chef.

Every recipe has been created to ensure it both nourishes your metabolism and tantalizes your taste buds. And they are made with simple, common ingredients you can get at any grocery store.

For example, there are recipes like the scrumptious Chocolate Raspberry Shake, which is a blend of brain-rejuvenating antioxidants and craving-killing proteins that is the perfect way to start your day. Or the perfect Pesto Chicken Salad, which gives you a dose of heart-healthy omega-3 fats and gut-restoring friendly flora. Or our delicious Chicken Marsala, which packed with detoxifying mushrooms and age-fighting polyphenols.

These meals jumpstart your metabolism, taste delicious, and best of all, most can be prepared in 15 minutes or less. It even gives you a full shopping list so you can be in and out of the grocery store in minutes with exactly what you need for each meal.

Plus, if you have particularly finicky tastes, I’ll show you how to create your own meals, quickly and easily, based on the detail guidelines provided for your specific Hormone Type.

Metabolic Renewal - Frequently Asked Questions (12) Is this really so different to everything else I've tried?

Metabolic Renewal is unique for a number of reasons:

  • It’s specifically designed to tap into the unique metabolic advantage that each and every woman has to help her look great and feel great at any age.
  • It’s based on the latest science that shows us how leverage a woman’s unique hormone profile to get better results, faster.
  • It provides detailed instructions for all facets of healthy living, including exercise, nutrition, mindset and movement.
  • It’s something that all women of all life stages can do, including normal cycling women, (those currently menstruating), those in peri-menopause, menopause, and post-menopause.
  • It’s also ideal for those with special circ*mstances such as pregnancy, those on birth control or those struggling with PCOS, fibroids, endometriosis, thyroid problems, or other health issues.

We’re not aware of any other program on the marketing that can do all that.

However, what really sets it apart is it’s customized for YOU. The nutrition, exercise, mindset and movement sections of the program are all flexible enough so you can tailor them to your particular hormonal, metabolic, and psychological needs.

No two women are the same, which is why one-size-fits-all programs always end up failing.

Metabolic Renewal - Frequently Asked Questions (13) What if I feel I’m too old, too tired or too out of shape… will this still work for me?

There are diet and exercise plans for women in every stage of life built into this program—from young to old, from normal menstrual cycle to post-menopause and everything in between. It’s designed to help you tailor a diet, exercise, and lifestyle plan that fits YOUR needs. And it’s customizable so as you mature through each stage of life or encounter any other changes, the program can change along with you.

Metabolic Renewal - Frequently Asked Questions (14) Is this suitable for absolute beginners?

Absolutely. Each exercise is 45 seconds long and a full workout session is just 15 minutes and most important of all, it’s FUN.

The great thing about Dr. Jade’s rest-based training method is that not only is it perfect for beginners or people who are out of shape, but it also works great for those who are already super fit. How?

The rest-based training methodology allows you to set your own pace. You push as hard as your body allows… and then you rest. And you keep on resting until you are ready to push hard again. There’s no jacked-up fitness trainer yelling “no pain, no gain”!

The total elapsed time of the workout is 15 minutes. Those who are more beginners may be working out a total of just 3-4 minutes and resting the remainder of the time, while those who are in better shape may be working out a total of 10-12 minutes and resting the remainder. As your cardiovascular fitness naturally improves, you’ll be working out and resting less… but at your own pace.

This rest-based training feature is what allows anyone to tailor it to their specific needs.

Metabolic Renewal - Frequently Asked Questions (15) What if I have a chronic condition like heart disease, diabetes, thyroid problems, etc.?

Not only is Metabolic Renewal safe for all of these conditions, it’s highly recommended. That’s because Metabolic Renewal helps deal with the underlying causes of these conditions.

This can range from excess blood sugar and blood fats associated with conditions like heart disease and diabetes… to excess stress or an imbalanced immune system that can lead to thyroid problems, adrenal fatigue, digestive problems and more.

Of course, if you have any of these conditions, you should check with your doctor before starting anything new; however, the nourishing foods, energizing exercises and relaxing and detoxifying lifestyle enhancements should bring a smile to his or her face.

Metabolic Renewal - Frequently Asked Questions (16) Is Metabolic Renewal for me if I’m on birth control or hormone replacement therapy?

The important thing to understand about birth control and hormone replacement therapy is that you’re adding synthetic hormones (even if they are bio-identical) to your natural hormones.

What that ends up doing is affecting your hormone type. Now, that can be a good thing for managing symptoms. But it can also make you gain a little bit of weight.

The good news is that your customized plan in Metabolic Renewal is the best way I know of to counter act the weight gain effect of these hormones. So yes, Metabolic Renewal is perfect for women taking birth control or HRT.

Metabolic Renewal - Frequently Asked Questions (17) Is Metabolic Renewal guaranteed to make me lose weight?

Metabolic Renewal is guaranteed to improve your health and tap into your female metabolic advantage. For most people that comes along with significant weight loss and energy gain, not to mention improvement in multiple chronic health challenges you may be facing.

If you happen to be among the few women who do not respond quickly enough to Metabolic Renewal, and you’re impatient, then we’re happy to refund every penny. You have a full 30 days to see the effects for yourself, so by then you’ll need no further proof than your favorite mirror!

Metabolic Renewal - Frequently Asked Questions (2024)


How legitimate is metabolic renewal? ›

Healthline diet score: 2.83 out of 5

Metabolic Renewal is a weight loss program designed specifically for women. The program aims to boost your metabolism by modifying your diet and exercise routine based on your specific hormone type. Yet, the science behind these claims is suspect.

Is Dr. Jade Teta a real doctor? ›

Dr. Jade Teta is an integrative physician and personal trainer with over 25 years of experience. The majority of his clients are women, so as a result, he's become an expert in the unique attributes of the female metabolism and its hormonal strengths and challenges.

What are Type 4 metabolic renewal exercises? ›

These workouts typically involve high-intensity interval training (HIIT) or other forms of cardiovascular exercise. Type 4 metabolic renewal workouts are designed to improve physical function and reduce the risk of injury. These workouts typically involve stretching, balance training, and core exercises.

What is the diet for metabolic renewal hormone type 6? ›

For type 6 hormone, focus on a balanced diet that includes lean protein sources, like chicken and fish, plenty of vegetables, and whole grains. Incorporate foods rich in fiber and healthy fats, such as avocados and nuts. Avoid excessive sugar and processed foods.

Does the metabolic diet really work? ›

The high metabolism diet can be beneficial for weight loss, but more research needs to be done on its effectiveness and safety. By eating the right kinds of foods, you may be able to increase your metabolism and burn body fat as opposed to carbs, leading to weight loss.

Do metab days work? ›

Although the metabolic confusion diet may be effective in the short term, there's not enough research to support its long-term benefits. You may lose weight on the diet, but it may be hard to follow for a long time because it's very low in calories.

Is there any truth to the hormone diet? ›

Despite what advocates of the hormone diet might claim, hormonal imbalances are usually the result of a more serious underlying health condition, such as diabetes (impaired insulin function) or hyperthyroidism (where the thyroid produces too many thyroid hormones), which couldn't simply be fixed through diet alone, and ...

Does Dr. Jade metabolic renewal work? ›

It is important to note that many of the claims made by the Metabolic Renewal program are not reliable or are based on small studies. There is no evidence that this program is able to balance hormones or metabolism. More research is needed to confirm the long-term effectiveness of the program for weight loss.

What exercise burn the most belly fat? ›

High-intensity interval training (HIIT): It is probably one of the fastest and most efficient ways to lose stomach fat and reduce the overall body fat percentage.

How much does a metabolic renewal program cost? ›

Metabolic Renewal is a weight-loss program designed specifically for women and their hormonal cycles that integrates mindset, diet, daily movement and workouts. The full price for the online-only version of Metabolic Renewal is $97.99, while you'll pay $97.99 plus shipping and handling for the DVD plus online version.

How do I reset my metabolic weight? ›

How to Reset your Metabolism
  1. Increase water intake.
  2. Get enough sleep.
  3. Calculate enough calories for energy expenditure.
  4. Increase protein intake.
  5. Spice up your life.
  6. Drink coffee.
  7. Build muscle mass.
  8. Boost your physical activity.

What is the 21 day metabolic reset? ›

The 21 Day Reset Rules
  1. Eat real food. General Guidelines: 80% of body composition success is determined by your way of eating. ...
  2. Avoid sugar, grains, unhealthy fats. ...
  3. Align your carbohydrate intake with your weight goals and activity levels. ...
  4. No Alcohol. ...
  5. Sleep. ...
  6. Mindfulness.

What 3 hormones reset a woman's metabolism? ›

According to nutritionist Rashi Chowdhary, you need to reset three hormones — prolactin, insulin and thyroid antibodies — for optimal fat loss.

How to activate the fat burning hormone? ›

The take-away is that your nutritional habits, dietary patterns, and nutrition quality can all have a positive influence on your fat burning hormones. In addition, lifestyle factors like sleep and stress management can also turn on these hormones and help you achieve and maintain your weight loss goals.

What are the best foods for hormone weight loss? ›

High-Fiber Carbohydrates

When considering high-fiber, think fruits, vegetables and whole grains. "Eating a diet high in fiber can help clear excess hormones from the body," says Azzaro. Fiber, as well as lignans, which are abundant in flaxseed, "facilitate binding and removal of unbound active estrogens," says Barmmer.

Is metabolic testing legit? ›

Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) Test

The rate of calories that your body burns to perform all these functions is the basal or resting metabolic rate. That's exactly what an RMR test measures, giving you a fairly accurate estimate of the calories you burn when you're at rest.

Does the metabolic balance program work? ›

Studies have shown that this diet program can help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, as well as reduce risk factors for diabetes, fatty liver disease, heart disease, and some types of cancer.

Is the metabolic reset program legit? ›

There is no research to indicate that our bodies need to 'reset' our metabolism to more efficiently burn calories, or any research to indicate that 'resetting' your metabolism will keep it running at a faster pace long-term.”

Is metabolic confusion a real thing? ›

Metabolic confusion, also known as a calorie-shifting diet or calorie cycling, is the practice of alternating your calorie intake between higher and lower amounts. The goal of this diet plan is to trick your metabolism into staying high, and thus, burning more calories.


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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.